Friday, August 21, 2009

Can you tell me where is Bangalore?

Flight from Bangalore to Buffalo lands at Baghdad...
I last heard that name in President Barrack Obama's speech where he wanted American kids to be more serious with their studies so that certain kind of jobs are not outsourced to Bangalore or Beijing....
I hope now the reader understands which Bangalore I am trying to recall.
Some people have renamed it as Bangaluru, its original name. However a change of name can not change the character of a city. Can it?
A muslim girl lives in Bangalore. She was interviewed in a college for admission to a graduate programme. She wore a burqua to her interview. The Principal of the college was present there.
Now after her admission some fundamentalists wanted her first to stop wearing her burqua and then even the scarf over her head. When she did not, the Principal, unable to withstand the wrath of fundamentalists asked her to stop coming to college. That was his wisdom. The Vice Chancellor of the University finds this to be a disciplinary issue beyond their control.
Do you still think this is the same Bangalore that was perceived to be a threat to the kids in Buffalo?
Or is this Bangaluru (no offence to those who support any of the names), a place somewhere near Baghdad?
What should one wear is a personal choice in a democracy.
You don't win elections this way: even if you indulge in introspection exercises after debacle. Introspect and also take issues and not non issues! Thou shall win!

1 comment:

  1. dear MJ,

    we have a 'demon'cracy, not a democracy.

    u find fanatics in all layers, through out all castes, religions and social strata.

    the answer is for u and me to enter politics.


    we are the ones who think that discretion is the better part of valour, and always be show discretion and never valour.

    its a shame on us MJ, and thats the truth.
