Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Does India need land reforms?


The litchies have disappeared from most of Uttranchal. Its rice famous the world over and exported to western and middle east countries is dwindling.

There are no parks for kids to play.

There are no grounds either. Streets ae not safe to play as they were in seventies.

Houses are built that are juxaposed to each other.

Income tax exemption for house loans exist.

The question is how many houses can or should a family own? People not only buy property which gets appraised easily but also shave off agricultural and forest land.

Housing policies either do not exist or are overlooked.

Is it not the time we have a land reforms policy?

Let people own the property but t has to built according to the conventions. Facilitate owning the first house, impose heavy axes on second and third houses some of which are not occupied.

Let the houses be constructed by either (hitherto corrupt) government sector or by MNCs. Let there be heavy penalty for poor construction, poor compliance with the rules.

Preserve some land now.

Gone are he days when the forest cover was estimated by indirect means. now you have satellite pictures for the real data. So why not have a land reforms act?


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